An obstacle to growth

In the journey of personal growth, it's common to perceive obstacles as external forces – we locate them in relationships, work or family dynamics. We could label them as "peripheral opponents." However, it's essential to recognise that true resistance usually originates from within ourselves. This internal force, self-generated and self-perpetuated, is what we call the enemy within – resistance. Understanding and addressing this inner challenge is a crucial step in overcoming obstacles on the path to personal development.

Replace the word ‘success’ with ‘growth in the following Tony Robbins written piece; ‘The first key to success is to KNOW YOUR OUTCOME. People who achieve anything of value know their outcome. They have a reason for producing the desired result. Very few of us tell our brains what we want. We don’t consistently activate the circuitry that could help us succeed more quickly and elegantly. If you know what you want, you literally trigger the circuitry in your brain to give you the neurological choices to achieve that outcome. An outcome is like a magnet that attracts people and events that will provide you with opportunities to achieve your outcome.’

Achieving growth is a similar path to achieving success, we first have to battle the enemy within, resistance. One way to combat resistance is to develop motivation. We can do this by aiming at what we consider to be valuable and then fully defining what that looks like, KNOWING it’s valuable because it’s been given shape/defined/explored. The more we engage in small step achievements towards that, and the dopamine hit from meaning and fulfilment that comes with them, then our resistant tendencies lessen... It’s hard to be resistant to something that’s valuable to us. Forward movement becomes easier, so much so that we desire it.

This also brings us to that much disliked work ‘discipline’. Discipline is often seen as something unpleasant, but it is really a form of self-care/love… especially when we think of discipline as something that will help bring the goal or conditions we would like. By focusing on long-term goals & resisting immediate short-term benefits/temptations we show ourselves that we are worth the effort & investment. We can have all the talent and enthusiasm there is but, without discipline, what we want doesn’t really get off the ground. Discipline allows us to prioritize and achieve our own long-term well-being & success.

Together, let's explore ways to navigate and conquer the resistance that may be hindering your growth.

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